Monday, August 2, 2010

What Am I Doing?

SO, I decided not to do the Hurting Youth thing yet. I might sometime soon because it's something close to me. Anyway, I just want to say I have one of the best youth groups ever.
I love you CCC. (Crossroads Community Church)

I don't know if anyone understands how important ministering to our teens are. Like your youth pastors say, "Teens aren't the Church of tomorrow but today." That is kind of moving right, kind of makes your realize you don't have time to "wait" because you don't have tomorrow but today to worry about.

Which has also got me to thinking about what God wants me to do for him. I love working for him, although I don't always do it right. And I know I'm not always perfect, and I have no excuse other than I am human which I don't see as a great excuse. Do you? So I've been trying to think of ways to help my community even more. I have come up with a few ideas like a garden for our local nursing home and domestic violence center.

But I have also realized that I have been doing a good amount for God. Although I could be doing sooo much more I have been doing some.

#1. My mission trips each year. I've been helping people all over which brings all of us joy.
#2. APSRC and ASPCA. I love animals and God loves it when I take care of his creatures. He loves them too! Animals are more than some people think!
#3. National Right to Life. I'm defending the unborn. Those who can't speak for themselves. God commands us to do that. (I can't remember which Psalms or Proverbs but I know it's there. xP )

Those are some major things I've been doing, but even the simplest thing like helping some one you know out is a part, right?

So, I want to try and keep on helping everyone. For God.

When I went to the beach with some friends we went to a Church on Sunday that had some drive to them. Around a year old and on fire for our Lord. They kept it 'real' as some might say. ;)

What blew me away was the way they prayed for their fellow churches, by name. You never hear that anymore and even Paul did that. You can see it through out his letters to different churches. He asked for them to do so! But the way this church knew that every Church out there was ONE Church was amazing. We all tend to fall into this idea that as Churches we are in competition. They do know that the Church are the people and we need to get out there and work for our God in our community. They were reflecting on what they had done the past few months. I was blown away by their excitment for Christ and SERVING.

Anyway, that really made me happy. It also hit me hard because I had been hearing this message everywhere and so have all my friends. Think it's time? Yes.

So, this is my time to go out.
This is your time to get out.
This is the time for the Church to get out and off.

It's time!!!!!

With Love,


  1. God has not called us to be successful. He has called us to be faithful.

    Mother Teresa


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