Intresting. At first I didn't get it then it sunk in...
2. The Radiance
3. Burning In The Skies

4. Empty Spaces
If I found the real one then...what?
5. When They Come For Me
It's amazing how they can mix so many different types of music. Although I don't like the use of the 'f' word, but I'll deal. They mix the guitar with this kind of 'Indian' chant type thing. You kind of expect to see some belly dancers somewhere...
6. Robot Boy
Win. Pure win. I love this song the best I think. I don't know why but I just DO. The harmony is excellent, the beat is perfect and the timing is awesome. The effects they use on the voices completes it. And the lyrics are...moving. 'Hold on, the weight of the world will give you the strength to go.'
7. Jornada Del Muerto
Is this the Catalyst backwards....?
8. Waiting For The End
Here we go again. New music blend--with out flaw. This song is pushing me even more to buy this whole album. Lyrics are freaking amazing! Although it's a huge difference compared to their songs like 'Blackout'. On the softer side.
9. Blackout
This one surprised me at first. I wasn't expecting the kind of 'screaming' deal. But that doesn't mean I didn't like it. I adored it. It's change from hard core to softer rock is exciting.
10. Wretches And Kings
AH-MAZE-ING beginning. Once again the blend of different music styles. I swear they could make their own genre. Also the cussing again---why? Oh well. Awesome guitar work too.
11. Wisdom, Justice, And Love
12. Iridescent
Moving lyrics once again. They might just put me into tears, which I hate but it means they've done a good job with their lyrics. Some of their songs it seems like Christ is right there in the lyrics. Pretty awesome, right? The chorus has great vocals! The drum beat is pretty friggin' catchy too. (As always...)
13. Fallout
Couldn't find.
14. The Catalyst
Awesome sounding! Lyrics are thoughtful but--repetitive. The music is just--awesome. I couldn't think of a better way! Love it.
15. The Messenger
Softer than most songs. Very soothing though. I like the lyrics too. Nice job on the vocals Chester!
Okay, so there you go. What I think of the songs. Toodles!