Monday, February 14, 2011

Update On Myself

As you can guess, not much is going on. School work mainly, much to my dismay. It's so easy to get behind and so hard to stay on track. I'm planing on 'planing' out my 'school work days' in detail so I can't stray or weasel my way out of things. Let's hope this will work. Wait, we KNOW it will work, right? Hold on--who is 'we'?

My mind needs to go to on a vacation. Maybe that will help. Wait, it is on vacation...

Anyway, HAPPY SAD!!!! [Single Awareness Day].

And guess what! As a single person I can gladly say: "VALENTINES DAY WAS GREAT!". I got candy, a cupcake of awesomeness and Subway in one day. How good can it get? Usually 'single
 people hate V-Day...I'm one of those smart ones who take time to enjoy it for it's ACTUAL meaning. Oh, wow, I'm sounding like one of THOSE people.

I understand why single people get upset, they have a good reason. The commercialized V-day is all about you and you're significant other...but the truth is, it's all about Love. And remember---there are all types of love. Brotherly love. God-like love. Romantic love.

So, I choose, on V-Day, to focus on the 'brotherly' love or the 'motherly' love I receive from my totally amazing Mother.

As I said in a chat to my friend [who, once they read this, will probably throw bricks at me] :  'V-day is cheesy, sappy, and a waist of my time when it's turned into a couple- fest.'

But, it's true, right? I think V-Day should be so much more than this...puffed up, flowery, pink mess! It kind of bothers me. I figured out that's why I use to hate V-Day, because it seemed---fake. Well, I'm done preaching about V-Day like one of THOSE people. [You'll have to guess who THOSE people are. Thank you, very much.]

Also, pray for me! I do my IE [Individual Event] tomorrow. I reciting part of Susan B. Anthony's speech. I love that lady. She was amazing, to me. I think, just like some people, including me, are moved by Martin Luther King Jr. speech, a lot of people should be moved by her speech, which not only gets to the point but remain light hearted with a heavy impact.

Well, folks, that's all I got to say--today. Long day ahead of me, but, of course, I can handle it!

With much love,


  1. *throws bricks at you*
    you used the four letter 'l' word again...

  2. LOL! Ahh, you make me laugh and smile, Chick a Dee. :]

  3. *glares at self* Woooow. Talk about a crappy post.

  4. Haha, I actually think you're spot on about Valentine's day. I wrote a post on it, then forgot to post it until about 2 weeks later... so I trashed it xP. But the point is, we can use the holiday as a celebration of love in all forms, between relatives, friends, and romantic couples alike. That way, you get more candy ;) lol.


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