Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Fathers Day Post

My parents are divorced, have been since I was, I don't know, three. I've lived with my Mom since and usually see my Dad for a few days every couple of months. Let me tell you, my Dad is one of the best people I'll ever know.

Do you know how many kids who have never even seen there fathers? Do you know how many kids have been let down by their father, over and over again? Do you know how many kids have married parents, but have lost their father to other things, like T.V? It happens. Hard to believe, but it happens. It's like fatherhood has become a lost art that no one wants to pick back up.

But my Dad, I love him. Why? Well, there is a nice long list, but at the top of the list is this: He is there for me.

My Dad could have, after the divorce, said 'good-bye' and never shown up again. But he didn't. He has made sure I know he loves me, he tries his best to visit me and he always brags about me. I'm his only little girl and he makes sure I know that, everyday.

One of the best things my Dad has ever taught me is to keep on trying. My Dad is a truck driver. When he'd visit, he'd have his truck. I remember sitting in the K-Mart parking lot, drinking sodas and having this contest between my Dad, brother and me. We'd see who could be the closest to one of his tires and still jump up onto it. As you know, big-rig wheels are pretty dang big. So, to an eight or nine year old, they're gigantic. I never was able to jump up onto one, but I remember that when I'd get mad that I couldn't do it, my Dad would just send me back and make me try again.

He's also never let my gender stop me. Just because I was a girl didn't mean I wouldn't like things he liked or things my brothers could do.

The biggest thing I thank him for is kind of strange. It's self-defense. No, I'm not so crazy kung-fu master, but my Dad made sure I'd never, ever forget two things. Contact, force, release and Ears, Eyes, Nose, Neck, Stomach, Groin, Knees and Toes. Wondering what that is? Well, the first has to do with punching. Figure that one out yourself. And the second has to do with where are the best places to hit someone in self-defense. As you see, I've never forgotten them.

I'll stop going on and on and tell you the main point of this post.

Even though my Dad isn't here every day, or even every week, he's made a huge impact in my life. I'm blessed to have a father that's actually there.

And I will end the sappiness there. xD




  1. This was a beautiful post, Lia :). My dad is there every single day, working from home, and yet I've never felt he was truly there for me. I do believe that fatherhood... well, I think you called it a lost art, and I agree with that. I'm glad that you have him in your life, and that he has empowered you! That relationship is irreplaceable.

  2. Thank you, Elizabeth!
    And, in risk of sounding sappy, you have a heavenly father that is always there for you and can never be replaced. I pray that he will sometime shine through your human father too. :]

  3. Thanks for risking sounding sappy-I appreciate your words :).


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