Thursday, January 27, 2011

Drivers Ed...SURPRISE!

     Today I woke up, did school work, and became bored until we received the call that...I could start the driving part of Driver's Ed. Apparently someone failed to show up and guess who got to take their place? Me!

     Isn't that crazy enough?

     I'm nervous, let's establish that. Really, who wouldn't be? First time of driving with the Driver's Ed teacher, not sure how the day will go, wondering if you're going to kill everyone in the car... We begin in the parking lot with me driving. The girl I was with will only go by Courtney, for her sake, and she was in the back seat. She had been driving with Mr. S for a while already. He has me drive around the school parking lot a few times, I'm shaking and nervous, and not totally sure what I'm doing. I embarrasses myself about, I don't know, ten times before he has us switch.

     Now Courtney's driving, she takes us all the way into another part of the county. We switch at a gas station and then I'm driving again. Getting bored? Well, just wait. Suddenly my drivers ed teacher is on the phone...with the police. He's reporting someone tailgating us. I hadn't even noticed, which shows how much I was looking in the review mirror...

     I check my review mirror and, sure enough, there are two teenage boys laughing away in a pick-up truck behind us. I'm a nervous kid driving for the first time, in traffic, on an actual road, with people around do you think I felt? I stay calm-ish, surprisingly enough and Mr. S continues to relay information to the lady/man on the other end of the phone. I look back into the review mirror a few times. They boys are laughing, recording something, I think, and just having a great time.

     Until the cop shows up.

     She pulls them over, we turn around, and then it's Courtney and I's turn to laugh. And, man, did we laugh. I was so relived to have those butt-holes off MY butt. [Ha. Ha.] It's gets better too. The boys are standing out there, in the cold, one with shorts on, and are looking a little--I don't know--embarrassed? I see one with Mr. S's phone and soon of their mother/grandmother/someone arrives, looking pretty upset. The cops talk to her, she talks to the boys and we begin to leave. Then, guess who pulls up.

      A state trooper. Just to make things better.

      Oh, and the cherry on top is--the one driving had just gotten his drivers license. You can't beat really can't.

     I was so happy. Best Driver's Ed...yet.



  1. Okay, so you're insanely great :)

  2. That is the single most awesome drivers ed story I've heard! When I took it, I actually wound up driving to the bank because the instructor needed some money from the atm, and he was telling me his password and stuff, and I was trying not to have a breakdown because I felt like a criminal 0-0. Yes, I am lame. Seriously though, that is freaking awesome :D. Oh, and 'RFP' is totally right. Though you seem to have already known that ;). Sorry I haven't been commenting-I'm losing touch with half my friends including my favorite bloggers, but I'm trying to catch back up! Life can be kinda crazy sometimes :(. I hope things are going great for you!

  3. Elizabeth- Haha! You had a brave Drivers Ed teacher!!!
    I wouldn't trust somebody with my information like that!

    Aw, it's just fine! I know how busy you must be. I've been trying to keep up with your blog and it seems like you've got a lot ahead of you! I'm praying!


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