Saturday, July 16, 2011

Project Workout: Update

I made a post a week or so ago about getting in shape. I called it Project Workout.

So, I thought I'd give you an update on the whole 'project'. To sum it up: it's doing great!
Almost everyday I've been getting some form of exercise, from dancing to swimming. Although, I haven't been eating to healthy, I have been working out!

Actually, the past few days I've been scarfing down cherries because I adore them! Extreme tastiness= cherries.
Aren't all the best candy flavors the cherry ones? Well, not really. A lot of the cherry flavored candies taste like cough medicine. So, scratch that.

I haven't gotten my FiveFingers yet, but I plan on doing that soon, so I can start jogging safely. x]

Now, I need to hear about you guys and how YOUR workout project is going! Leave a comment telling me about how much working out you've done!



  1. I haven't spent too much time deliberately exercising, but during my college orientation I did so much walking I almost died. Also went swimming yesterday, and have used the bowflex treadclimber some. Definitely not working out like I should be, but I'm not being totally useless either :). Thursday I'm dog walking with a neighbor to the park, then Saturday I'm going to play ultimate frisbee, which should wear me out :D. Hopefully I'll get with a more regular routine soon. Way to go with your workout plan! :D. As for diet, I've been having Ensure and protein shakes once a day, and haven't really been eating any junk food. Well, I've been eating my mom's rotel (made with turkey sausage, cream cheese, and canned rotel), which isn't exactly healthy, but it beats potato chips xD. Also eating apples some. Thanks for posting about this again--I needed a reminder! Thinking about what I've done the past couple weeks is giving me ideas for the next couple, you know?

  2. Woot! Way to go! Sounds like you've been doing pretty well! My goal is just to get some good exercise in everyday, other than sitting around.

    Oooh! I wish I was eating better, but I'm not. I really need to work on it, because I'm totally addicted to sugar and that needs to STOP. I eat my good foods, but I also eat my bad food. lol

    Yes! It's good too look back and get better ideas from what you've done.



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