Thursday, August 18, 2011

Dance Tryouts (A Really Short Recap)

Well, dance try outs were Tuesday. Needless to say, I'm sore. Very sore.

Two ladies from some place (I'm so smart. Don't be jealous.) came by the studio to do the try outs. They were sisters and thank-da-LORD they weren't really intimidating. They were actually very, very nice. We stretched until they got there. Mrs. C passed out our numbers and lucky me got my favorite number, 6! The first thing we did was Ballet, which was lead by the calmer, more...ballet-like sister. It was funny how the types of dances they taught fit their personalities.

We did barre (bar) work for a little while. Then she had us do some pretty combinations across the floor. If I remember correctly, it was balance, balance, two shanay turns, arabesque forward (arms in third, I think), back, and then sashay, step, something-or-other jete, then do it one more time.

I'm so sure you wanted to know that.

Anyway, I was confident with everything except my balances. I would get confused while doing them. Maybe I was putting too much thought into them, I don't know. I also had trouble with my arms in the balances. They were suppose to to go to high third and then low third, but I ended up looking like I was waving down a cab in some eccentric manner.

After that, we did  this combination with just our legs. We did a lot of leg lifting. Ouch. I still feel that one. We then left that to do a bunch of jumping. Double ouch. We had to go through all the positions of the feet, jumping (I'm not sure what else to call it. xD) four times in each, landing in a plie, of course. Then we went through jumping twice in every position, then once. We were to make no noise while landing. I failed. Terribly. I think I sounded like bricks hitting the floor. I was terribly sore after that.

We were allowed a stretching break, then went right back into it. We did another ballet combination, which I liked. It was really pretty to watch the girls who can actually dance do it.

Another break was given after the final ballet combination and then we headed into Jazz. Jazz. Was. Fun.

We danced to 'The Way You Make Me Feel' by Michael Jackson. I actually really, really like it. I won't describe the whole routine we learned to the song, but it was a blast. Sure, I messed up about every other step, but I kept on going and putting everything into it. I actually had a small attitude, which I usually don't convey for my dancing, only for my mother. ;]

After much sweating, getting frustrated, laughing, telling Haley that she wouldn't die, and dancing hard, it was over. I headed over to my friends house to spend the night and shove candy into my mouth and watch Tangled.

Anddddd I'm still sore. I've been stretching to help it out and in-between school subjects, dancing. I want to become a great dancer. I really do. So, maybe I'll actually work hard and try and become one. Crazy idea, huh? :]

With Much Love,


  1. Rofl, this sounded like a lot of fun! :)

  2. You've been awarded.. on my blog. =)

    Hope you get in!!!

  3. Shygurl194-It was, until my thighs started to hurt like crazy. xD

    Ovais- Thank you!
    I hope I do too. Badly. xD


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