Friday, August 19, 2011

I'm sick of seeing people hurt. I'm sick of seeing people stuck in the darkness, waiting for the faintest glimpse of light.

I'm sick of seeing so many tears, painful glances and burden hearts.

I'm sick of crushed lives and defeated souls.

I'm sick of seeing the reflection of me in other people. It scares me, almost, to know people have struggle. I hate knowing that others face some of things I have. There are paths I wish no one would stumble upon, yet they do.

So, I made a promise to love. To love everyone, nonstop. Every time I feel unloved, I will love. You get it? Who cares if I have no one to love me, even if I know that's not true. I can be the lover and give love to those who have never experienced it. I made the promise long ago and hope to keep it, as long as I live.

So, person, whoever you are, that feels unloved, alone and afraid. I love you. It might sound strange, but I freakin' love you. And I'm not the only one. God loves you. Yeah, cheesy, right? Well, he does and always will.

I love you. God loves you. I think thats all you need, but I promise'll get more love.

Never forget to love.


  1. When you feel like someone loves you less, you love more..

    I should try this.

    Maybe. :p

  2. Everytime I feel unloved, I will love.

    Spoken like a true human being! =)


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